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Manitoba Air Cadet Provincial Awards


The Air Cadet League of Canada (Manitoba) Inc. annually and periodically rewards cadets and squadrons on their achievements at Training Courses, Competitions and for Activities throughout the year.

For Posterity, both active and retired awards are listed. The Historical recipients of each award may be viewed by clicking on "Recipients of the Award" found in each description.

This Section is dedicated to Cadets and Squadrons - to see National and Provincial League Awards click here


Description of Award:

Type of Award:

Status of Award:

Awarded to:

Recipients of the Award


Wing Commander T.F. (Tommy) Cooper OBE CD, Competition (Manitoba)


Top Manitoba Squadron (50+ cadets) drill and deportment

Description of Award:

The competition is no longer held due to conflicts with the present Air Cadet Training Program.

Participating Squadrons competed for the Tommy Cooper Trophy signifying the top Manitoba Squadron, with a complement of 50 cadets or more, in drill and deportment at the Golden Falcon event. The previous years 30 April Average Registered Cadet Population will be used to determine a squadron's population. Tommy Cooper was a Boy entrant to the Band of the Gloucester Regiment in the World War I era. He later joined the Canadian Air Force as a mechanic. During WW2, he led the Central Band of the RCAF, as well, as being the Commanding Officer of #8 Repair Depot in Winnipeg. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his war time service. After the war he was Commanding Officer of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets #3 Wing, 1946-1957. #3 Wing was comprised of the 7 City of Winnipeg Air Cadet Squadrons, with headquarters at Ellice and Ferry Road. The Wing was disbanded in 1971. A civilian pilot, he was a member of the Winnipeg Flying Club for many years. Wing Commander Cooper passed away at his retirement home in White Rock B.C in the 1980's.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



Gilbert Eaton Competition (Manitoba) - Award retired in 2013


Top Manitoba Squadron in Marksmanship

Description of Award:

The competition is no longer held due to conflicts with the present Air Cadet Training Program.

Participating Manitoba Air Cadet Squadrons competed for the Gilbert Eaton Trophy signifying the top Manitoba Squadron in Marksmanship. Mr. Gilbert Eaton was the second Chairman of the Manitoba Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada. More on Mr. Eaton is available at the Chairmen page of this site. The Gilbert Eaton Trophy was presented for Air Cadet Marksmenship using the .22 calibre rifle until 1986; it was reincarnated in 2008 to recognize marksmenship competitors in the Air Rifle competitions.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



Glen Elwood Drill Competition (Manitoba) - Award retired in 2008


Top Manitoba Squadron (49 cadets or less) drill and deportment

Description of Award:

The competition is no longer held due to conflicts with the present Air Cadet Training Program.

Participating Squadrons competed for the Glen Ellwood Trophy signifying the top Manitoba Squadron, with a complement of 49 cadets or less, in drill and deportment at the Golden Falcon event. The previous years 30 April Average Registered Cadet Population was used to determine a squadron's population. This Manitoba Air Cadet Squadrons' Drill Competition was named in honour of Squadron Leader Glenmore Benjamin Ellwood, DSO DFC and bar (1918 - 27 March, 1999) of Portage La Prairie. He was a navigator in Bomber Command with 405 and 617 squadrons. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in June 1941. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on 4 October 1943; the Distinguished Service Order on 29 September 1944; and the bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross on 23 November 1945. He flew four bombing mission tours for a total of 120 missions and was one of only three Canadians to survive the war with that many tours of operations. Squadron Leader Ellwood was an active and strong supporter of the Air Cadet Program in Portage La Prairie.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



Golden Falcon Provincial Sports Competition (Manitoba) - Award retired in 2008


Most Proficient Flight in the scheduled sporting events

Description of Award:

The competition is no longer held due to conflicts with the present Air Cadet Training Program.

Groups of cadets from Manitoba Squadrons competed for the Golden Falcon Trophy signifying the most proficient Flight in the scheduled sporting events. A limited number of cadets from each squadron attended dependent upon the facilities used for that annual event. The Saturday's activities included the sporting competitions with a cadet dance in the evening. The Sunday's activities included Drill Competitions and a formal parade with a senior dignitary as Reviewing Officer; the parade was followed by a presentation banquet. The event was usually held over the May long weekend.

A Composite Award means that the award was given to a team or flight and that it may include members from another Squadron
(the award may be shared)

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



Telly Mercury, Q.C. Memorial Award (Manitoba)


Air Cadet Bugle Competition

Description of Award:

The competition is no longer held due to conflicts with the present Air Cadet Training Program.

The aim of the Manitoba Air Cadet Bugle Competition was to increase the awareness of the music program in the Air Cadet Movement; and to provide an opportunity for individual Air Cadet Musicians to increase their self-confidence. Cadets from participating Manitoba Squadrons competed for the Telly Mercury, Q.C. Memorial Award and the opportunity to perform at Manitoba Air Cadet events such as Golden Falcon.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



'Frederick Ernest Pink' Memorial Trophy (Manitoba) - Trophy Retired in 2017


Top Manitoba Air Cadet on the Power Pilot Course

Description of Award:

A 'super' supporter of Air Cadets, Fred Pink passed away in 1967, while serving as Honourary Treasurer of the Manitoba Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada. He served as Chairman of the Sponsoring Committee of #177 Air Canada Squadron, and Chairman of the House Committee of #3 Wing, which was comprised of the 7 City of Winnipeg Air Cadet Squadrons. He was educated in Winnipeg and joined the Canadian National Railway in 1921. In 1938 he transferred to Trans Canada Air Lines.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



'Major William Shinnan' Bursary (Manitoba)


Top Manitoba Air Cadet - Glider Pilot Course

Description of Award:

A long time supporter of the Air Cadet Program, Alen Hansen was born in New Zealand and trained as a Wireless Air Gunner in Canada in 1943 before going overseas. After several ground jobs he completed OTU on Wellingtons just prior to Wars end. Returning to New Zealand he decided to emigrate to Canada and attended the University of Manitoba gaining a Business Management certificate. Determined to be a pilot he trained when able gaining his Airline Transport Pilot Licence four years later. After a period of Bush flying he began flying for Trans Canada Pipelines inspecting thousands of miles of pipelines and logging over 20,000 hours of flying time. Alen was part of the Manitoba Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League for twenty-four years, active in the Gliding Program. He was President of the Wartime Pilots' and Observers' Association in 2006-07, also he was Chairman of the Flying Committee with the Winnipeg Flying Club for eight years, as well as, a founding member of the Manitoba Aviation Museum.

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:



'Harold Steele' Award (Manitoba)


Community Involvement

Description of Award:

Awarded annually to a Manitoba Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron for Proficiency in Cadet Training and Good Citizenship.

More about Harold Steele may be found at the Biographies page.

Replaced by the Frieman award in 2017

Type of Award:


Status of Award:


Awarded to:


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