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The Effective Speaking Program


The Effective Speaking program is an Air Cadet League sponsored activity. The aims of effective speaking are:

  1. To provide an opportunity for Air Cadets to increase their self-confidence; and increase their ability to reason, organize, and express ideas;

  2. To promote the citizenship component of local squadron training;

  3. To provide cadets with an opportunity to acquire effective speaking skills through instruction and practice in a structured and competitive environment.

  4. To increase public awareness regarding the citizenship and leadership aspects of the Air Cadet program at the national, provincial and local levels


Every June, Effective Speaking Champions from each province meet at the Air Cadet League National Annual General Meeting to compete for the title of National Effective Speaking winner.


The National Air Cadet website has all the information needed to assist a cadet or a squadron in participating in the Effective Speaking program. LEARN MORE

Squadrons should start their effective speaking in September or early October to give cadets lots of time to prepare, develop and practice their speeches. They will need to have an Interested CIC Officer or Volunteer to instruct the program within the squadron and several cadets who are interested in participating.

Once an instructor has been selected, this instruction guide will lead them through the process.

Plan to meet on a regular basis for an hour or two outside the regular training schedule. This could be another night or on a weekend. During this time cadets may be given some basic lessons on speech delivery, planning a speech and may practice short talking points in front of their peers. Under the optional activities section of this website is more information about Toastmasters, which is also a good resource for assisting in Effective Speaking.

Cadets may choose a topic upon which they would like to speak from the National List of topics found on the National Site.

Over the next several months will prepare and practice a speech of their own choosing. They will also practice the techniques of "off the cuff" or impromptu speaking. Depending on the Squadron schedule, Squadron competitions for their top effective speaking candidate will be run around January.


Up until this point, all organising activity is done by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee and/or Squadron Effective Speaking Instructor.


In order to choose a provincial Champion, The Manitoba Provincial Committee (MPC) of the Air Cadet League will appoint a Provincial Effective Speaking Coordinator (PESC).  Each Squadron that is participating in the Effective Speaking program will need to inform the PESC of the outcome of their competitions.

Depending on the number of candidates, the PESC may elective to have zone competitions or a single competition to determine the final provincial champion.

Squadron and/or zone champions will then compete amongst themselves to determine provincial champions.

The provincial competition usually takes place in March.


Judges and officials are selected by the PESC and squadrons will be informed of the competition venue.


The National Effective Speaking Competition takes place every year in June. It is also done during the time of the Air Cadet League's Annual General Meeting. This takes place in a different city each year and may be anywhere in Canada.

The date and location for this year is listed above under National Effective Speaking Competition.


When participating in the Effective Speaking Competition at the Squadron, Zone, Provincial and National Levels, cadets may be awarded an Effective Speaking Pin (this can be worn on their Uniform). There may also be awards granted to winners of each competition. These may consist of certificates ribbons, medals and/or prizes depending on the competition and level.

The real reward is life long as cadets learn to overcome their fear of public speaking and are trained in how to be effective and succinct whenever they may be asked to make presentations or comments in front of small or large groups.

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